“Kuuma is an anime-style avatar who appears in the evening’s video projections... Adam Francis Cuthbert’s live processed trumpet triggers and blends musical loops, flirting with the timbral quality of video games.” – THE WIRE



“Kuuma is an anime-style avatar who appears in the evening’s video projections... Adam Francis Cuthbert’s live processed trumpet triggers and blends musical loops, flirting with the timbral quality of video games.” – THE WIRE

KONIWA is "sheer heaven, a constantly unfurling tapestry of looping cells and swooping lines that feels like an enveloping forest of sound." – An Earful

Kuuma 空マ」is the data-borne persona of Detroit-based DJ and producer, Adam Francis Cuthbert. Created as an original character, gaming handle, and artistic pseudonym for Cuthbert’s experimental electroacoustic music, Kuuma’s visage has been developed through a decade of album releases on the slashsound label, and permutations by visual artists. With orchestration built around “a trumpet like liquid gold” (An Earful, Best Electronic of 2021), Cuthbert’s Kuuma project comprises sometimes spare, sometimes brutal sonic environments while “flirting with the timbral quality of video games” (The Wire), evoking descriptions such as an “eerie dreamscape” (Alex Ross, The New Yorker), a “laidback sound world... of shimmering pleasure” (Musical America). Kuuma has appeared throughout DIY club circuits in Detroit and New York, on the Intersection Arts & Music Festival (Toronto), Glotaku (Columbus), Festival of New Trumpet (NYC), and Noise Engineering’s Noiseblast Hour series. Alongside DJ Retcon, Kuuma hosts the Weekly Reset, a DJ and live modular synth series in Detroit's Cass Corridor neighborhood.

booking info: 2futuresound@gmail.com